About us

Also increase your part in creating a better world.
Let’s not get around it: it is very important that we all protect materials and keep them clean, but that should not be at the expense of the environment. You can still remember that some time ago the construction world was closed because of the enormous amount of PFAS in the Dutch soil. And what about pollution by PFAS, Silicones and (Fluor) polymers? All harmful substances that are used for coatings and impregnation. Cleaning products are often supplied with chemicals. All this must be stopped. Don’t you agree? And that is why BionicProtect exists. BionicProtect wants to work with you to make an essential contribution to the realization of a better world, without making concessions on the goal of protecting materials over the long term and keeping them clean.
Responsible for the environment
- Our living environment deserves more attention if it is to be safeguarded for the future of our children and grandchildren. This can also be done simply by choosing products that are just as good or even better, without harming the environment. And that does not have to cost anything anymore, BionicProtect proves.
Making products more sustainable
- With BionicProtect you keep materials and objects in their original state. Moreover, you make them “easy to clean”. The coats often add extra values. Think of energy savings when applying BionicCoat to facades, prevention of replacement because the coated material remains in new condition, prevention of discoloration by UV light, et cetera.
Natural protection
- Whatever material you want to keep original, with the BionicCoat from BionicProtect you will succeed completely and responsibly. BionicCoat has been developed on the basis of nanotechnology. The basic ingredient is silicon oxide SiO2 (nano sand). There is no more sustainable. Thanks to the smallest molecular chain, it is also broad and optimally usable.
Developed in the Netherlands
Enthusiastic and smart product technologists, lab technicians and product specialists have been brought together to develop BionicProtect’s exceptional range of sustainable coatings and cleaners. These coatings and cleaners are therefore unique in their kind. They are durable, powerful and economical in use, very easy to apply, have a long-acting function and are also very affordable. Take a big step towards a sustainable future too, and promise never to use polluting coatings and chemical cleaners again.
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of BionicProtect?
BionicCoat preserves and
makes materials easy to clean
- Thanks to nanotechnology, the BionicCoat penetrates deep into the substrate
- A unique composition for every material
- BionicCoat is based on ecological raw materials
- At least 10 years non-decreasing warranty on operation
- Strong reduction in maintenance and savings on labor costs
BionicClean soaps for
100% clean surfaces
- Powerful cleaners, also for hard-to-reach surfaces
- Environmentally friendly and perfect to use in combination with
BionicCoat - Removes pollutants such as dust, mud, manure and vegetable fats and proteins
- Highly concentrated, optimal ease of use and hygiene